Development and promotion of active tourism in the Black Sea Basin – Escapeland


Galati County Council

- Romania -


Vilkovo City Council

- Ukraine -


Cantemir District Council

- Moldova -


Self Government City Of Kutaisi

- Georgia -


Constanta County Council

- Romania -




Project code

eMS BSB-1108

Implementation period

01.06.2020 - 30.11.2023


- Galati County Council – Lead Beneficiary

- Vilkovo City Council – Beneficiary 1

- Cantemir District Council – Beneficiary 2

- Self Government City Of Kutaisi – Beneficiary 3

- Constanta County Council – Beneficiary 4

Project value

1.377.103,96 euro (Galati - 396,000.00 € ; Constanta - 290,733.56 € ; Kutaisi - 159,856.80 € ; Cantemir - 313,506.80 € ; Vilkovo - 217,006.80 €)

Financing programme

Black Sea Joint Operational Programme 2014 – 2020

Programme priority – 1.1 Jointly promote business and entrepreneurship in the tourism and cultural sectors

Specific objective – Promote business and entrepreneurship within the Black Sea Basin

For more info, please visit:

Programul Operational Comun "Bazinul Marii Negre" 2014-2020

Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2014 (ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020)


The project’s general objective is in line with the financing programme’s objective, namely the development and promotion of the potential for active tourism in the Black Sea Basin as a main element in business and entrepreneurship development.

Specific objectives:

Creation/improvement of active tourism infrastructure in Galati County, Romania, Cantemir District, Republic of Moldova and Odessa Region, Ukraine. Improvement of territorial cooperation between the local public administration and business environment in the Black Sea Basin.

Joint promotion of the specific touristic objectives and products of the five partner regions involved in the project – Galati and Constanta counties, Romania, Cantemir region, Republic of Moldova, Vilkovo City, Odessa region, Ukraine and Kutaisi City, Republic of Georgia.


Common borders. Common solutions.